StreamTECH's Story


Steven Hansen

Created by industry, for industry

When I co-founded an oil & gas service company I would have never guessed that within 5 years I would also be the founder of a technology company. However, that is exactly what would happen as I realized that running a company efficiently takes more than just getting the work done. It was maintaining a safety program, keeping equipment running, managing employees, and so much more.

I tried other programs, apps, excel, and more. But nothing really was a cost-effective solution for our business. That's when we built our own solution for our business. Once we started using it other companies took notice, and that is when we decided to create StreamTECH for businesses in more than just the oil & gas industry.

This would lead us to partnering with 20 companies to gather feedback, trial our prototypes, and ultimately help us design a package built to be user friendly for the front end users, while still being giving the office access to all the information they need to stay compliant while running efficiently.

I am proud to say that StreamTECH was truly created by industry, for industry.

Value, Transparency, Flexibility, and Reliability

As a business owner, I knew that our product had to provide a return on investment day 1. That led us to focus on four main goals that we consider when developing, marketing, and pricing StreamTECH.".

1. Value

StreamTECH must have features that actually save a company money. We focused on core features that companies need to solve the problems that they face in their day-to-day work. These features need to be priced appropriately so that they provide maximum value, especially compared to other solutions.

2. Transparency

We post our pricing right on our website so that you know exactly what you will be paying. Any increases in pricing will come with a 24 month delay for current subscribers so you can be confident in the pricing that you have received.

3. Flexibility

Unlike a lot of our competitors, we believe that you should only pay for what you use. That is why we charge a flat monthly fee per user and pro-rate all the billing to reflect their day-to-day usage. What this means is that you are not stuck in a "tiered" pricing model where you pay for users you are not using. This also means if you are a seasonal business you won't have to worry about paying a higher price in the months where your user count drops.

This also includes what features you want to use. When creating StreamTECH it was integral to allow companies to pick and choose the features that they want. Other apps force companies to pay for features that they don't want in order to get some of the high value features. With StreamTECH you are able to maximize your value by only subscribing to exactly what you want to use.

4. Reliability

We believe our product has to be easy to use so that your users put in accurate, timely information. StreamTECH was built to exceed industry standards to keep your data safe and accessible. Built on AWS (the market leader when it comes to cloud computing services), we are extremely confident in our ability to deliver on the promise of reliability.